USCRA conducts board meetings and CEU-qualified seminars at its spring MidYear meeting and Annual Convention in autumn. And our quarterly publication, The Circuit Rider, contains articles geared to enhancing your career in the US District Court.
We have several programs to help increase your income. USCRA offers four FCRR testing opportunities per year to obtain realtime certification, recognized by the AO for salary increase. FCRRs may also charge for realtime services. And our yearly Realtime Speed Contest Champion is awarded a cash prize in addition to bragging rights and a beautiful trophy. Other available monetary benefits are announced elsewhere on our website and in The Circuit Rider.
Associate Members. Reporters outside the federal court system may apply for associate membership. All privileges of regular membership obtain, except voting and election rights. CLICK HERE TO JOIN.
Supporting Members. Those not actively engaged in verbatim reporting, who are interested in the preservation of our profession and not otherwise eligible for CLICK HERE TO JOIN.
Student Members. A student certified as being enrolled in a shorthand reporting program may apply as a student member. CLICK HERE TO JOIN.